Facility Construction

The Facility Construction job allows you to specify the construction details for a facility. This is a special kind of job, since it cannot be created directly but is automatically added by PetroVR when you define a new facility in the Facilities node - it is assumed that no facility can exist without a construction job. Conversely, removing either the job or the facility will automatically delete the other.

Most of these inputs are duplicated in the facility General Tab (Facility). Some of the job inputs have the following peculiarities:

  • Construction Time: The total construction time for the facility (= Duration in other job kinds).
  • Fixed OpEx: Fixed operating cost for the facility, usually measured per year. This is not related to the duration of the construction job, but starts being incurred the moment the facility starts processing fluids and continues until it is abandoned. It may also vary as a result of a Facility Expansion.
  • Resource Requirements: This Resource Requirements Pane is duplicated in the Construction Resource Requirements pane found in the facility General tab.